Salvation Army 

Christmas Gifts Appeal

Please make your donation by 15th November. Thank you

We plan to provide parcels for the 69 male and 5 female residents of the Salvation Army 'Lifehouse' in Birmingham again. 

We had a wonderful response last year, so thank you to anyone who contributed.

 If you would like to make a financial contribution, there are three ways you can:

1.  BACS transfer:

Account name: PCC of St Philip's with St James'

Account number: 21422812

Sort Code: 40-19-34

Ref: Sal Army Gift

If you wish to add gift aid, and are already registered with Peter Hunt, please use the bank reference SA followed by your name.

2.  Online using a debit or credit card - just click on the image below:

Sal Army Giving 

3.  By cheque:

Please make cheques payable to St Philip’s and St James’ PCC. 

Cheques can be left at the Parish Office in an envelope labelled Salvation Army Gift

The parcel usually includes toothpaste, tooth brush, shower gel, gloves, socks and some chocolate. Your monetary donation enables us to ensure the parcel contents are the same, thus eliminating any arguments at the hostel.
Thank you for your continued support for this project.

All parcels will be wrapped by Penny Parker and her homegroup,
 and will be delivered to the Salvation Army Lifehouse, just before Christmas.

Thank you for your continued support for this project.