£1 entry to include one free drink (please bring £1 coin)
tuck shop
bring registration form signed by a parent to the first night
to download the registration form
parents are encouraged to come and look around and meet the leaders
Any queries to Julie Wetherell on 07495 434533
We are not intending to do any organised Christian teaching in this club but to make a space where young people feel relaxed and welcome.
All leaders are committed Christians and have DBS clearance and safeguarding training. You are welcome to read the church's safeguarding policy, just click here
As you would expect, drugs, alcohol and smoking will not be permitted either inside or outside the building during youth club.
We welcome young people and their families at our 10am service which includes our Youth Breakfast. This is a space where the young people in church meet together during the service and are encouraged and supported in their Christian Faith, while enjoying some breakfast and refreshments.