PCC, the Parochial Church Council, is the body that along with the clergy and ministers is responsible for the oversight of the day to day life and ministry of the church and for keeping St Philip's Dorridge with St James' Bentley Heath on track with our mission and vision.

PCC Minutes 

Read the minutes from the latest PCC meetings

22nd May

12th June

10th July 

 11th September





 16th October

13th November 

10th January 

7th February 


click here 

click here 1 

click here 

17th April 

15th May 



click here  

click here 


Treasurers Reports

H1 2023


Q3 2023


Q4 2023


St Philip's and St James' PCC Members





Duncan Hill-Brown


Lisa Maines


Derek Timms


 Andy Carswell

Sarah PCC.PNG 



Andy Carswell 

Honorary Treasurer

Sarah Sasse 

Lay Chair

Felicity Price

Honorary Secretary

Christian PCC

 Steve Street

 Colin Revans

Christian Hughes

Steve Street

Colin Revans



Caroline Egan 

Richard Arbuthnot 


Caroline Egan
Deanery Synod representative

  Richard Arbuthnot








PCC Meeting Dates  2024

Meetings are at 8pm, held at St James' Church

PCC Members resources
 Click Here

Parochial Church Council (PCC)
Have you thought about serving on the PCC? Each year at the APCM, we hold elections for PCC members and Deanery Synod Representatives. If you are a church members who has been on the electoral roll for six months or more we would ask you to consider if this is a way you could serve God and share in the mission and ministry of our Church family in Dorridge and Bentley Heath.

What is required from a member of the PCC?
  • To work with the Clergy, and the Churchwardens defining and holding the Vision and Mission of our Church in Dorridge and Bentley Heath
  • To share in leading our Church through the exciting and challenging time of the rebuild, the opening, and commissioning of the new St Philip’s Church Centre
  • To oversee and account for the good stewardship and management of all the Churches resources, people, financial, and material.
  • To be active in the spiritual, pastoral, evangelistic, and social life ministry of the Church
  • To give time for upwards of ten meetings and year and to share in the work of working parties and sub-groups
  • To be prepared to serve for three years

Please take time to pray and consider if this is a position you could commit to and if you are interested or have any questions, please have a talk with one of the current members of PCC.