Eco Resources - Previous Posts

Each month, we have an article to help us understand more about what we need to do to care for God's creation, or to provide tips on how we can play our part in what we say and do.

What’s the single biggest thing we can do to cut our carbon footprint? Give up flying? Become vegetarian? Switch to a green energy provider? According to Make My Money Matter, the biggest impact we can make is choosing where we invest our money.
Click here to find out more

This Month :  Our Eco Church journey - our next steps

eco garden

St Philip's Eco Church journey began in September 2020, when we achieved our Bronze award.
As we approach reaching our Silver award, click here to read about some of the steps we've taken so far, and plans for the future.

Recycling across Solihull

This article has been produced by the Church Eco Group about recycling in Solihull, following the talk from Solihull recycling Team at Inspire.
Click here for the article

  Do you Want to eat more sustainably? :

Eating Sustainably

CLICK HERE for a short article produced by Knowle Parish Church

Climate majority.pngClimate Majority Project

With record-breaking temperatures on land and at sea, wildfires, floods and drought, COP28 coming up and a general election not far away,  it has never been more important for us to speak up for God's creation. Rachel Christophers has written an article on the Climate Majority Project and Rupert Read's book, "Why Climate Breakdown Matters". Click here to read the article.

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Our greatest legacy to our children and grandchildren?

Click here to read the article

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The Impact of Material Use on Climate Change.

Click here to read the article

clothingThe Clothing We Wear and its Impact on the Environment

Click here to read the article


For Peat's sake........

Click here to read the article about peat and using peat free compost

Energy Saving TipsEnergy saving

With the huge hike in energy bills and the fast rising cost of living, Climate Action Solihull have put together a short flier of top energy saving tips (which also help save the planet).

Click here for your copy

 Click here to download Issue 1

 Click here to download Issue 2

 Eco Book issue 1

 Eco cover

 Click here to download issue 3


 Eco issue 3