Bentley Heath School

BHS logoBentley Heath Church Of England Primary School

It is really important that a school, founded by the Church, should seek to offer the highest quality of academic education in the context of the Christian ethos of love, respect and care for one another and the world in which we live.

St James' Church and Bentley Heath School have a unique, and close, working relationship as St James' Church meets in, and shares, its hall with the school. Our Vicar also has an automatic seat on the governing body of Bentley Heath School and actively works with, and supports, the Head Teacher and senior leadership team - especially in the area of collective worship each week.

The Christian and spiritual ethos of the school is one of the key aspects of our mission in the community and we organise several shared events during the year such as the annual Carol Service and Education Sunday.

We also make a contribution to some Religious Education lessons, particularly at Christmas and Easter.

Read more about Bentley Heath Church of England Primary School on the school website

Dear Members of St Philip's and St James'
Happy New Year! A new year means a new focus for Bentley Heath Primary School and we need your help. We would really like to improve our conservation area so that children can get even more out of it and as such we are hosting a community event – DIGFEST – on Saturday 1st February.
If you are able to assist with some manual labour in our Conservation Area, please join us! We have plans to drain, clear and reline our pond in the hope that when it refills, we can have ducks, tadpoles and all sorts of other wildlife for our children to spend time learning about in the springtime.
We need help from 8.00am until 4.00pm or a chunk of time within that range. Hot beverages and snacks will be provided but you will need to bring your own wellies, shovels and wear your messiest clothing. Anyone helping will need to complete a waiver (see below) and no children will be permitted to assist on this occasion.
We are hoping to clear the pond and if there is time, there will be plenty of other work to do. If anyone is able to sponsor a pond liner, some new fencing or wood to build a covered area, please do get in touch with us at your earliest opportunity. We want to focus on our wonderful outdoor space and champion conservation and the mental health benefits of nature within the whole school.
If you are able to assist, please complete this online form and waiver.
How else can I help?
If you are unable to attend on the day, there are plenty of other ways you could help, such as

  • Making a donation towards our pond liner (please phone the school office who will be able to provide bank details)
  • Donate a tuff tray or a picnic bench you no longer use
  • Donate any spare pallets and / or pressure treated wood you might have

Thank you in advance for your help with this exciting community project! We are so grateful and can’t wait to make some great improvements to the area!
With kindest regards 

Mrs Hannah Cook