
Men's social gathering

Thirst is a time the men in our church to meet, socialise & have a drink in a relaxed environment. We look  to extend both friendship and faith to the men in our community and networks, whether sceptics, inquirers or people with faith in Christ, our men’s ministry aims to engage men across this spectrum, and to encourage Christians in their faith. 

Bible  Bacon

Bible and Bacon

Join us on 

Next meeting 14th September

Meet at St Philip's from 8.30 to 9.30am for a Bacon Bap and coffee (or toast and tea)

followed by a discussion on a Bible passage / life topic to explore what being a Christian in

the 21st Century looks like.

Regular Updates

If you would like to receive news of Thirst events:

Join the Thirst WhatsApp group - just text your details to 07845 722965.

To receive news by email - click here


Understanding the Christian Faith

If you have any questions about any aspect of Christian faith or how you might develop your understanding then we offer ad hoc and informal discussions either one to one or as part of a small group. If you think you could be interested in finding out more then please contact the Parish Office (775652), or any member of the clergy or the Thirst teams.