Grass Roots Rwanda

Grass Roots Rwanda (abbreviated hereafter to GRR ) is a UK Charity that exists to support the mission of the Church in the diocese of Shyogwe (pronounced Shogwee) in Rwanda. Their mission encompasses evangelism, teaching and encouragement of their church members while reaching out to the needy, whether Christians or not. In fact what any church following the teaching of Jesus would do.
Our involvement takes many different forms – prayer, visits to Rwanda, welcoming visits from Rwandans and finance. GRR are one of the selected charities supported financially by St Philip's with St James' through our mission beyond the parish scheme.
Those of us who have
been privileged to visit Rwanda, and
thereby have shown our love by our feet, have been so impressed with the Christians
there and their infectious joy, placing Jesus at the centre of their many
GRR news updates: Already many at St Philip's and St James' receive the quarterly e-mail newsletter of GRR. You may wish to visit their website to give your contact details and so be kept informed of their varied well managed projects. Alternatively if you are not on e-mail please telephone the Parish Office for more information.
Hopefully more of us will want to visit Shyogwe. If you are moved to donate, it is only fair that you know that we give several thousand pounds each year from the regular income of our church, but gifts to GRR over and above this are welcome.
We have good links in that one current member of St Philip's and St James', Greg Moss, and three past members, Jim Stevens, Judy Stevens and Paul Reynold are Trustees of GRR.
Watch this YouTube film which highlights the history and work of Shywogwe Diocese. In August 2022 Shywogwe Diocese celebrated 30 years since it's foundation.